Simon Schueller

  • Events Coordinator
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  • Pronouns: he, him, his

Courses supported: Current: CS 0447; Prior: CS 0445

Major: Computer Science

Academic Level: Junior

Activities and Clubs: Intramural Basketball, CSC

Internship, Research and Experiential Learning: Federated Hermes Application Developer Intern; Capital One SWE internship. 

Post graduation plans: Work as a SWE at a startup

Why did you become a UTA? I love to teach people.

What is the best advice you would give to a student who may need additional support? Don't be afraid to reach out for help and ask questions in class. I guarantee someone else is wondering the same thing.

What is the best study tip you have for a student taking the course you UTA for? For CS 0447 make sure to start your projects early and practice writing assembly and using logisim outside of class. Try making something on your own even before trying labs and projects because you don't want to be learning how to use the tool while you are building a project.

Why should students come to your UTA office hours? I will ask you pointed questions about your lab, project, quiz... to get you unstuck and thinking about the problem in a different way. I don't give handouts so don't come in expecting that. 

What is your favorite thing about the subject you UTA for? Finding your flow when writing a program in mips and gaining that greater appreciation for how the hardware works.